Could this new trend reveal your best skin ever?

According to The Telegraph, Refinery 29, Get the Gloss, and a host of other beauty authorities, fermentation in skincare is the next big beauty trend. From kimchi (tea) to tofu and kefir (a fermented milk product), the benefits of eating fermented foods have been around for thousands of years.

During the fermentation process, foods are soaked in salt water to encourage the growth of good bacteria. These bacteria feed on the sugars and starches to create probiotics, vitamins, essential fatty acids and beneficial enzymes, making food more nutrient dense than in its unfermented state.

Fermentation: food for your face

Recently, the South Korean beauty industry (K-beauty) has started embracing the benefits of fermentation in skincare. In a similar way to food, yeasts break down the molecular structure of the natural ingredients into smaller particles. This makes the active ingredients more bio-available and, therefore, more readily absorbed by the skin.

Why our bio-cellulose is best

Seoulista Beauty® Instant Facials™ harness the power of this latest bio-cellulose technology (link to how our technology works) by fermenting naturally derived ingredients such as coconut. Our masks are made of a strong yet soft mesh of natural fibres, which is highly absorbent, enabling it to retain the highest concentration of skin-beneficial ingredients. This web-like structure adheres closely to the face, infusing your skin with our powerful formulas and delivering exceptional skincare results.

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